Because most parents will have to guide their children through the process, it's important to keep the project simple and not one that will drag on for a long time.
Here are a few tips for implementing project based learning at home:
- Select a project that appeals to your child's interests.
- You don't need to know everything about the project. This is the perfect time for parents to learn along with their kids.
- Break the project into small bits. This is not a time for children to become overwhelmed or frustrated.
- Select projects that can be completed inside or outside in your backyard.
- Select projects that integrate different subject areas.
- Your children can work on the project as a family. Your children can collaborate with siblings, friends, relatives, and online experts.
- Ask your child questions throughout the project. Encourage them to ask you questions and record in a journal. Reflecting on the project deepens their own learning.
- It's fine to be flexible. Your children may take the project into a different direction. That's okay! Allow your child to have voice and choice during the project.
Ideas for fun spring projects to do with your family:
- End of the Year Camping Theme - Turn your living room into a camp ground. Students can go outside to explore during this unit. The focus of this project is for younger students.
- Plan a Fantasy Vacation - This project is great for distance Learning. Students use Google Slides to plan the vacation of their dreams.
- Open a Food Truck - Your children can research foods from other countries and design and build their own food truck.
- Design a Mini-Golf Course - Your children can grab their dads' golf clubs and design their very own mini-golf course. This can be done in a shoe box or in your back yard.
- Open a Summer Camp - Your children can plan their own summer camp which includes activities, food, budgeting.
- Honey Bees Research - This digital project is set up for younger learners. For older learners, click HERE.
- National Parks - Students plan to visit a favorite national park.
- National Landmarks - Students research a favorite landmark/historic location.

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