Are you new to project based learning? Do you need a better way to plan your PBL unit? Are you having difficulty staying organized during your PBL unit? Is it impossible to find time to collaborate with teachers? Let me help you Get Organized with your Project Based Learning unit with a Digital Planner.
My Project Based Learning Digital Planner is designed to help teachers stay organized throughout their PBL unit. With Google Slides, teachers will have an opportunity to collaborate and share ideas with other staff members. This organizer assists teachers who are just starting with PBL and need a simple guide in mapping the project. Teachers can use this digital resource over and over again.
In this unit:
- The Project – Describe the project, the driving question, and essential questions
- Calendar – Monthly and weekly; these can be shared with other teachers and staff
- Standards – State standards, common core, etc.
- 21st Century Skills – collaboration, problem-solving, critical thinking, information literacy…
- Inquiry – Student-centered
- Resources – Online, books, apps, experts…
- Activities – including how you plan to differentiate
- Assessment – Formal and informal
- Project presentation – How and when will students present their results?
- Evaluation and reflection - How will you and your students evaluate the project?; How will your students reflect on the project and their performance?
- Additional activities and resources - Field trips, community contacts, speakers, etc.
- Extra pages for notes
"Since I plan to incorporate more PBLs next year, this is PERFECT! This outlines everything I need to know/have for the PBLs, thank you!"
"I've been using project work for a couple of years and this was a great resource to help me stay organized."

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